Friday, September 28, 2007

Creating And Maintaining A Mailing List

Starting to collect proper information to create a mailing list is not difficult, once you know how to proceed. In this report, uses for mailing lists are briefly described. The first steps in identifying the names that might be included on your mailing list are also outlined. Finally, the important concept of a database is introduced.


Mailing lists are a versatile tool that your business or organization can use to help achieve many administrative and marketing objectives.

1. In Daily Administration: For-profit and nonprofit organizations alike use mailing lists constantly in their day-to-day operation. Well-maintained mailing lists are required to efficiently carry out important activities such as:

* updating employee phone lists.
* sending company newsletters and special notices to employees.
* compiling membership directories.
* sending out newsletters to organization members.
* determining school bus routes.
* tracking and evaluating suppliers.
* monitoring contract commitments and schedules.
* alerting customers about warranty dates.

2. In Marketing: But it is in the marketing area that mailing lists can really make a contribution to the "bottom line." Much of the information in this report can be used for all list needs. Selling through the mail via a catalog is one basic example of a marketing application where a mailing list plays a very important role. The list is the source of names to which the catalog is mailed. Today, organizations of any size can benefit from using a mailing list in marketing functions.

Here are some other marketing uses for which a mailing list is a critical ingredient:

* Soliciting orders without incurring the expense of a direct sales call. (This can be particularly efficient for smaller accounts where the amount of the order does not justify the high cost of a personal sales call.)
* Generating and/or qualifying leads for your sales staff or for another direct mail effort. Using direct mail to qualify leads is another way to save on direct sales costs.
* Providing background information about your product or services. This type of effort can be used to generate leads, which are then followed up with personal or telephone sales calls.
* Reminding patients of the need for periodic checkup appointments.
* Conducting a fundraising campaign.
* Increasing the membership of your organization.
* Extending invitations to attend a public meeting, a seminar, or a special event.
* Following up on contacts made in personal appearances (at a trade show or seminar, for example).
* Announcing changes in company personnel, product line, pricing structure or location.
* Obtaining referrals from current customers or members.
* Reviving inactive accounts.
* Building good will with customers or members.

You will find that the administrative and marketing uses for mailing lists are almost endless. How many of the ones we've described above would benefit your business or organization?

In the next section, we will define the different types of lists you can develop.


From a business or organizational point of view, everyone is not equal. Just as a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, existing customers are worth more than potential customers. The same principle applies to mailing lists. They can be divided into four types, according to the value of the names they contain:

1. Current Customer: Your list of current customers contains your most valuable names. They have already bought your products or used your services. They are the people or companies most likely to respond again to your future offers.

In this booklet we refer to these names as "customers." However, depending on your type of business or organization, the term "customer" can also include a whole range of people (or organizations) such as:

* clients of professional service firms.
* donors who contribute time, money or goods to fundraising campaigns.
* investors in a business or stock issue.
* patients of health care practices.
* policyholders in an insurance agency.
* members of an association, religious or cultural institution, or club.
* subscribers to a magazine or newsletter.
* users of a sports or recreational facility.

2. Inquiries: Businesses or individuals who have contacted your organization to request something - catalog, sample, quote, or perhaps just information - are more likely to respond to your offers than others who have not shown an interest in you. Further, the faster you are able to contact an inquiry with an answer, the more likely it is that he or she will react positively to your next offer.

3. Prospects: Prospects are potential customers. They are people who have not yet responded to your offers nor inquired about your organization. However, you have reason to believe that they may have a need for or interest in your product or service. You also expect that these prospects have the ability to pay (if you're selling a product or service).

(A smart way to look at your customers is to also view them as prospects to be wooed and won for other products or services. Never take a customer for granted. For example, a customer who has bought only one product or service from you may be a prospect - and a very good one - for the other products and services you offer.)

4. Suspects: Suspects are prospects who may have some potential to become customers, but their need for your product or service (and their ability to pay) is uncertain. Developing a mailing list of suspect names should probably be the lowest priority for your business or organization.

For each type of mailing list you create - customer, prospect, inquiry, or suspect - you will want to keep basically the same descriptive information (data) on each of the names you include. If you can keep and maintain the same data on each of your customers, you can find which common characteristics are processed by your best customers. If you can then find prospects which closely match those characteristics, you have a greater chance of success in your prospect mailings.

The next step, in creating your mailing list, is deciding on the data you should try to capture for each of the names.


This section of the report offers some preliminary guidance in making the necessary decision about which piece of descriptive information, or "data element," to include in your mailing list records.

When you are identifying the data elements you want to include in your mailing list, you are really laying the groundwork for your database.

"Database" is a popular term among mailing list specialists today. However, the concept of a data base is fairly simple. A database is a collection of information about your customers, organized so it can be easily expanded, updated, and accessed by any of a number of its component parts or variable. Mailing information (name, address, etc.) is part, but not all, of a database.

Why is a database so important? Let's begin by reviewing some basic principles:

* Whatever your product or service, there is an audience because of its characteristics, is a "natural" customer group for you. For example, expectant mothers are a natural audience for a store selling maternity clothes.
* The more you know about your customer, the better you will be able to appeal to their specific wants and needs.
* Prospects who share characteristics with your current customers are generally your best potential customers.

Therefore, to make decisions about what data elements to include in your database, first determine what common characteristics your customers share. For example:

* Do your customers share a certain level of income (in the case of individuals) or annual sales volume(in case of businesses)?
* Do all of your customers have similar household sizes or numbers of employees(businesses)?
* Is age or number of years in business a common characteristic shared by your customers?
* Are your customers located in a specific area or a particular type of geographic location?

These are just a few of the characteristics your customers may share.

The following questions don't apply to prospects, but they can also help youdetermine who your best customers are:

* How often do your best customers buy - daily, monthly or even yearly?
* What sales volume makes them food customers?
* When was the last time they purchased?
* When do they buy? Anytime or only at certain times of the year?

The better you understand your best current customers, the better you will be able to identify the data you want to maintain about potential customers.

Copyright 2004 by DeAnna Spencer

DeAnna Spencer is a virtual assistant that helps entrepreneurs run a successful business by providing affordable administrative help. She also publishes a blog for small business owners. Visit this small business resource today.

Surviving The Commodity Markets, PART 5 - Trading Guidelines For Different Account Sizes

Of all the important skills in trading, survival is number one. For unless we make it through the inevitable bad times, we won't be around to capitalize on the good. I've laid out some trading account guidelines that specify the account size required to conduct various commodity futures and option trading activities. Stick within these guidelines and you will have an edge on most of the commodity trading public.

$20,000 ACCOUNT
(Risk no more than 5% max ($1000)

A $20,000 account is a where you can begin to manage your money like a pro. Risking $1,000 a trade is usually prudent for many commodity markets. My philosophy is if you cannot enter a normal market for less than $1000 risk per futures contract or option, you do not have a low risk, high probability trade in the first place. Wait for a better entry point.

The same basic rules apply for $20,000 as for the $10,000 account, except you now have even more flexibility. Remember that EACH trading idea can have no more than $1,000 (5%) associated with it. This leaves out pyramiding on profits or adding to commodity positions at all. Ive found over time that adding to positions after a good low risk entry is a formula for messing up a would-be good trade. Just put on your initial position and let the market run.

When you let your average price creep up when averaging up, (pyramiding) its as if you staggered in at a higher price in the first place. The first sharp correction will many times put you in average loss territory. Forget the romantic stories about traders starting with $1,000 and pyramiding it to $1 million. This stuff is fantasy and the cause of $billions in losses by the public over the years. Yes, it is possible, but so is winning the $100 million lottery. Commodity gambling is where most of the money comes from to pay the disciplined, realistic, winning traders...the type of trader you are striving to be.

Your best method of surviving and making money in the long run is to find a low-risk, high-probability trade, put on whatever position your risk management dictates and let it run. Then wait for the next DIFFERENT low risk, high probability trade and repeat. This will more safely and methodically spread the risk and probabilities in your favor.

$50,000 ACCOUNT

Risk no more than 5% max ($2500)

Heres where you can begin doing two of everything if you wish. You can now risk two futures contracts, two commodity options, etc. (per trade) Some very conservative traders may even stay with one futures contract to reduce the risk to 2.5% ($1250). I like that idea best. Just think how long you could survive if you could be wrong forty times in a row before being carried out? Just think about how much money you can make if you are around to eventually catch your big string of winning trades? Most traders don't hang around long enough to get their share.

Even trading conservatively, you can make serious money when you are right. Remember that the commodity markets are leveraged at 5-10% margin down. For every $1000 in margin money you may control $10,000- $20,000 of commodity futures. If you are right on a string of big trades, you can can do very well. By having forty chances to perform this is what its all about. A $50,000 account holding two contracts in four markets (good risk management) can control between $500K to $1 million in commodities. (depending on markets) A 10% move in the futures means a $50,000 - $100,000 move.

If you do well and double your account, you can then double your risk and go from there. Its all about having a conservative plan and staying that way through the entire trading cycle. Most commodity traders start out with high hopes and good intentions, make some money and then think they are invincible. When you lose control, the commodity market doesnt take the money away you give it away.

Part Six of Six Parts - Next!

There is substantial risk of loss trading futures and options and may not be suitable for all types of investors. Only risk capital should be used.

Thomas Cathey - 27-year trading veteran heads the managed futures division of Thomas Capital Management, LLC. View his TimeLine Trading market predictions and get his complete, free 44+ lesson, "Thomas Commodity Trading Course".

Main site:

Currency Trading We Published 5 Trades On Monday and ALL Made Big Profits! Why?

If you read our currency trading big profits for the week ahead from Sunday and took the trades you will now be sitting on huge profits for the week.

Are we gurus or knew what was going to happen of course not! The lesson is in timing moves with a sensible strategy that anyone can use.

Lets look at how you could use the tools we used to pile up huge gains.

The Importance of entry

We all know this is the key how do you get in with the best risk reward with your currency trading?

The answer is the Bollinger band and simple support and resistance the bands give you targets and support areas to focus on.

Now for the hard bit, timing your entry!

Timing the entry

Many traders like to predict the market and get in early this is a mistake.

You should always wait for strength if you want to go long or weakness if you want to go short.

This is where the stochastic indicator is so effective. As a short term momentum indicator it is un rivalled and trading bullish and bearish divergence is extremely effective.

The result

We focused on 5 trades (while we gave advice on the yen we decided to stand aside although the advice was correct) but the other 4 we took and piled up huge gains for the week.

Focus on the long term

Our view last week was to get in to our trades focusing on the long term dollar downtrend.

We had a good dollar correction to the upside that was obviously running out of steam and acted accordingly and got some great profits.

Keep it simple!

Many traders will say or currency trading last week was simple strategy, we will take that as a compliment thats what trading should be!

The more complicated your strategy is the more likely it is to fail. There is no correlation between a complicated strategy and profits in fact the reverse is true, the simpler the strategy the more robust it is in the face of brutal market conditions.

When trading currencies keep in mind the following:

1. Focus on the long term trend

This is the way to make huge gains forget small moves the odds are not on your side and profit potential is not there to cover your inevitable losses.

2. Look at charts for areas of support & resistance

Then use Bollinger bands and stochastics to define and implement your entry points and stop levels.

3. Hold on to the trends

Its always tempting to bank and snatch profits, but if you have confidence in your trading and the trend is in your favour hold on keep in mind currency trends last many months or years and you need them to make big profits.

Is it really that simple? We think so. We were right last week on all our trades, ( and we did even better in energies check out our reports ) of course we could have been wrong, but our entries were timed well and had close stops for risk control.

Try the above for yourself and see if the tools and tips above can help you make bigger profits from your currency trading!

For more FREE advice

On how to trade currencies and commodities for huge profits get a FREE trading Newsletter and other valuable trading tolls including a 100 page CD packed with tips and strategies at

Ten Simple Investment Tips

When I first started trading the stock market, there was not the wealth of information available online like there is today. I read a lot of books and learned the terms and thought I knew everything necessary to make my fortune trading the market. I found a discount broker and started plugging away, and immediately lost my shirt.

Even though I had read these same tips in numerous places, I really didnt understand the importance of them until I had learned them the hard way. As they say, experience is the best teacher, if you survive the lesson.

These are things that I wish I had really used when I first started trading.

1.Never invest money you cant afford to lose.

2.Never invest money you are afraid to lose. If you are too uptight, you are guaranteed to make bad decisions.

3.Never buy a stock you receive in an unsolicited email or in a mass mailing. Many times, these turn out to be low cost, thinly traded penny stocks that some one is trying to pump up the price and dump them.

4.Most of them time, you should not buy stocks at the open of the market. The first hour of the trading day typically has a lot of volatility. Stocks tend to stabilize after the first hour; you could end up paying too much trying to get a stock, only to have it settle down in price 30 minutes later.

5.As a new investor, never buy stocks on margin. It is ok to have a margin account; just dont use the margin until you have enough knowledge to keep yourself out of trouble.

6.Dont worry if you think you just missed the biggest trade of the year. Never chase a stock trying to get on board, if you wait 30 minutes, another trade will come along that is just as lucrative. (This one tip would have saved me a fortune)

7.Learn how to use a trailing stop. Immediately after buying a stock, put in a stop loss order, and keep raising the stop limit. This will preserve your gains, but more importantly will preserve your capital.

8.Never buy until you have determined when you are going to sell. You need to know what point you will accept a small loss and move on. Then when you buy, keep that stop loss point; never change this point in the heat of the battle, because this is guaranteed to cost you money.

9.Never get greedy. The old market saying is Bears make money, Bulls make money, Hogs get slaughtered is very true.

10.Dont treat the stock market like it is your private Las Vegas gambling casino. Its ok for a small portion of your portfolio to gamble, but its called investing for a reason.

If you follow these simple tips, they will save you some of the misery that I went through early in my trading career. Try not to get bogged down in all of the information overload that is coming at you from all directions. Slow down, there will plenty of good trades available to you tomorrow, if your trading capital is still available.

If you would like additional trading information, please go to Trade The Stock Market or to my Forex Review Site.

Wall Street to Main Street: News, Views and Commentary: March 6, 2006

NEW YORK, NY, (NAMC) - Its Monday March 6, 2006, and the big news this morning is in the telecommunications industry. This past weekend telecommunications giant AT&T (NYSE: T) has made strides to expand their reach and regain their dominance in the telecommunications industry.

AT&T has agreed to purchase BellSouth (NYSE: BLS) for over $67 billion in an effort to fully acquire Cingular Wireless, which they own a portion of currently.

On the heels of launching the biggest advertising blitz in the history of AT&T they are continuing to follow through with an acquisition that would give them tremendous presence in the southeastern United States.

As part of the deal BellSouth will receive 1.325 shares of AT&T common stock for each common share of BellSouth. Based on AT&T's closing stock price on March 3, that equals $37.09 per BellSouth common share, a 17.9-percent premium.

So what is the next step, well Verizon (NYSE: VZ) may start to step up their acquisition and strategic alliance efforts as this new combination of AT&T and BellSouth just tightens the playing field and puts telecommunications in play.

You could expect both Verizon and AT&T to begin looking at international telecommunications companies as well as smaller U.S. based ones.

Well begin to feature some of these potential acquisition candidates this week on Wall Street to Main Street.

Research in Motion and NTP Settle

In a case that would have shut down millions of mobile devices that utilize Research in Motions (NASDAQ: RIMM) popular BlackBerry service has finally been settled.

Late Friday both Research in Motion (RIM) and NTP agreed to a resolution that will end the patent litigation that is currently pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

RIM has agreed to pay NTP over $612 million and NTP has agreed to grant RIM a license that would keep BlackBerry service alive and well.

This is good news for BlackBerry users this morning that were looking to ditch the BlackBerry for the Palm (NASDAQ: PALM) Treo.

Now the fallout will be with Palm as investors were looking at the BlackBerry shutdown as a big opening for Palm to capture additional market share. This puts a wrinkle in that possibility, but do not rule out a potential acquisition for Palm, or of Palm, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) is in the process of preparing to launch their own mobile units and operating system, so it may make sense for them to acquire an existing business as opposed to trying to build it themselves.

Expect Research in Motion to trade higher in this trading session and you may see Palm slip a little bit as investors that were involved in the stock for the blackberry news will probably be getting out.

Alanco Technologies Slips

The prison technology company Alanco Technologies (NASDAQ: ALAN) slips into the 40 cents range and comes dangerously close to their 52 week low.

Bare in mind that the company is currently not in compliance with Nasdaq trading requirements, the stock needs to trade above $1 a share for 10 consecutive trading days and they are far away from that number.

Possible scenarios may be a reverse stock split, that would put the company back in compliance with the Nasdaq but it is damaging to the shareholders as it presents a shorting opportunity to traders. This is often the last resort.

One thing that could be a big help would be for the CEO Bob Kaufmann to create a strategic plan for increasing shareholder value. Though we like the company, we have to look at what they are doing to accomplish this.

This is a company that is not only overlook but its underexposed, some argue that they are in beta mode, while others doubt the viability of the company. We have been covering Alanco for a few months and have received several emails from investors and the investment community giving their take on the situation.

Our take is this, Alanco Technologies is in an industry that is in need of their technology, at this point they are the only ones that offer this, but that could be changed quickly if they do not position themselves as the leader in the industry. Nothing prevents a company like Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) from stepping in and developing a system equivalent if not more expansive than Alancos current system.

Weve spoken to various law enforcement professionals and the general consensus was that a system like the one that Alanco has would only be beneficially in larger prisons and not in local police stations or central booking locations. So the value is there, our question is when are we going to hear more about it in the media, this is a question that Alanco has failed to answer.

Gourmet Coffee Picks Up Steam

With the popularity of gourmet coffee growing at a rapid pace, with Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) putting the spotlight on the industry. Fast food giant McDonalds (NYSE: MCD) has made the move to introduce gourmet coffee to their millions of customers worldwide recently.

You can expect others to follow suit, but this brings us to a little known company that is in the market of providing gourmet coffee in the United States, Canada and Europe from Papua New Guinea.

The company is Coffee Pacifica (OTCBB: CFPC), and though you probably havent heard of them yet you may want to keep a watchful eye on this company as more fast food chains begin to introduce gourmet coffee to their customers.

The green bean coffee that is found in the highland region of Papua New Guinea, where rich volcanic soils exist, give their coffee beans a unique flavor.

We will try to schedule an interview with Coffee Pacifica in the coming weeks but in the meanwhile this is their website so that investors can perform their due diligence

The stock is trading in the $2 range.

NAMC Newswire Note

Go to the NAMC Newswire for updates at and you can listen to the NAMC Radio for the audio version of Wall Street to Main Street at

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CEOs that want to contact us can do so by going to or call us at 888-463-9237.

Louis Victor NAMC Newswire 888-463-9237

Information contained herein is the opinion of Louis Victor and is intended to be used strictly for informational purposes. You should be aware that Mr. Victor attempts to assure himself of the accuracy of the information contained in the analyses he publishes. None of the information contained in this opinion constitutes a recommendation by Mr. Victor, New Age Media Concepts nor the NAMC Newswire that any particular security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. You must make your own independent decisions regarding any security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy mentioned on the program. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion Louis Victors past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Neither Mr. Victor, New Age Media Concepts nor the NAMC Newswire guarantees any specific outcome or profit, and you should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or Investments Opinion posted here. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. The strategy or investments discussed may fluctuate in price or value and you may get back less than you invested. Before acting on any information contained here, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser. Louis Victor, New Age Media Concepts nor the NAMC Newswire are not licensed brokers, broker dealers, market makers, investment advisors, analyst or underwriters.