Every Investment has got some level of risk associated with it. This risks ranges from low to high and the rate of return from the investment is directly proportional to the risk associated with it. That is, if you invest in a high-risk instrument, the rate of return is high and if your investment is in a low-risk instrument, then the rate of return on that investment is low.
Shares and Mutual funds are now considered as best option for investment. Shares belong to high-risk investment category. Before starting investment in a particular share, you have to do a deep research on the company you are going to invest, its future plans and current performance. But in the long run, if the company is under performing, then the share price can come down resulting in a significant erosion of your total investment.
Mutual funds are the next best option if you have a low-risk appetite. You can buy a Mutual Fund in units. Instead of you directly managing your funds, the Mutual fund company does all the buying and selling of shares through its Fund managers on your behalf. Fund managers are experienced professionals who are appointed by the Mutual fund company to look after your investment. He manages your investment carefully during turbulent economic upheavals.
The performance of a Mutual fund is reflected on its Net Asset Value. This is commonly known as NAV. If the NAV of a unit is more than the NAV at which you bought the unit, you can book profit or wait for some more appreciation on your investment. If the NAV is less than the rate at which you bought the unit, then you are in a loss. You can wait till the time NAV reaches above the NAV at which you bought the units.
Visit http://www.giftsspace.com/learningcntreasysearch.php?words=Share for more information.
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