Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trading Industry Sees Repeat of May 6, 1954 this Thursday (Sept 14)

An effort by a single person can sometimes change the world.

On May, 1954, Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, and in doing so, he removed the barrier that had been in place for decades: the belief that it was not possible for a human to run the mile in under four minutes. The belief had been supported by the medical community with studies and evidence that the human body had physical limitations and that this was all the better humans could do. The claim was further supported by the many efforts of world-class runners that failed. Even the best of the best just couldn't seem to beat the mark.

What had been holding all the runners of the world back was not a physical limitation. It was a mental obstacle that kept everyone from achieving that elusive goal. Because everyone believed that it was impossible, numerous attempts fell short.

In a single day, Roger Bannister opened the minds of people around the world to believe that anything is possible, in spite of substantial evidence to the contrary. Once it had been accomplished, the four-minute mark was soon surpassed by many.

There has been a similar phenomena occuring over decades in the trading industry. The failure rate has been at 90% for new traders, even with the advances of technology and efforts of numerous people to affect that number. Despite the efforts and tools available to traders these days, there has been a barrier just like that of the four-minute mile.

Thousands of traders struggle with the challenge of survival in trading, wondering why they can't seem to make money. Most eventually suffer the "financial death" that is quite common and leaves empty accounts strewn across the markets.

This Thursday is September 14th and marks the First Annual "Improving the Success Rate Day" in the trading world. Trading veterans, brokers, and tens of thousands of traders are coming together for the revealing of the obstacle that has held traders back for all these years. The obstacle that traders face is unfortunately not simply a matter of belief. It is a combination of factors that affect the trader mentally and emotionally.

As Trading Veteran Mark McRae has stated, "Too many traders think that the system or method is the be all and end all of trading. There simply isn't enough attention to the psychology of trading and the correct approach that needs to be adopted."

Just like Roger Bannister did for the runners of the world with running, the "Improving the Success Rate Day" is doing for the traders of the world and the trading industry. The barrier, the mental obstacle that is holding everyone back will be revealed.

This Thursday, September 14th, 2006 tens of thousands of traders are going to break through their own four-minute barrier and improve the success rate around the trading world.

Copyright 2006 New Ireland Ventures, LLC

Brian McAboy, The Aspiring Trader's Best Friend. More information on the "Improving the Success Rate Day" can be found at

Small Business Opportunities Magazine Business

A Small Business Opportunities Magazine is one of the new small business opportunities opening up everyday. More and more companies are looking to outsource for basic services, cutting their budgets in the process and increasing profits. With this happening globally, the small business opportunities available are increasing. This process will only benefit the company's bottom line, but will also open the door for more employees to own their own businesses and take control of their lives.

So where does one go to showcase their skills or to find a small business opportunity? Small business opportunity magazines is one place worth checking out. It is also a great place to make an investment to own a business of your own.

Magazines are a multi million dollar industry every year. Advertisers and consumers both will benefit from a well laid out small business opportunities magazine. Small business opportunity magazines have a myriad of information in them regarding new positions, new trends, and new industries for the small business owner. Having a magazine available to the small business and home based business owners would be a gold mine.

This magazine concept would be helpful to anyone looking to start a small business as well. Articles regarding how to start businesses, tax information, and investment estimates are all things that a home based professional will need to know. This magazine could be offered to anyone interested or already involved in a home based business.

Additionally, the companies and organizations looking to hire home based employees would then be your advertisers. MLM and other marketing strategies are continually looking for the next advertising boom and your small business opportunity magazine could be it. Advertisers are interested in reaching an eager market, and small business opportunities magazines would provide them with that.

Start up cost for you, as a self publisher of a small business opportunities magazine will vary greatly. You will need to find a printing house to print your magazine, or purchase the equipment to do it yourself. With all the computer software available you could do your own publishing quite easily. Deciding on the extent and scale to which you want to distribute is an important factor in cost as well.

To avoid the costly nature of publication, some small business magazines are being published on line as ezines (electronic magazines). Ezines offer the same benefits as regular publication, except that you avoid printing costs. Quality and timely delivery are still essential.

Even though ezines are a relatively newer market, they are widely popular. Ezines are perfect for email, which is how many telecommuters and home based businesses are communicating these days. Web space to house your ezine is going to be greatly cheaper than print, and of course there are millions of Internet users worldwide. Shipping costs will be zero and you can email links to your subscribers and advertisers virtually for free.

Clients interested in web based advertising will appreciate this twist on your publication. You will have access to a worldwide audience. Now all you have to do is get the news out that you have this publication to share.

Advertising for your magazine is going to be imperative. Looking through and communicating with web site owners of freelance and small business web sites is a good place to start. Trading advertising is also an idea. Offering an ad in your publication for promotion on a web site could be a good offer.

Do some research on ezines and small business opportunities magazines for price comparisons. Make sure that you are offering a fair value for your product. Advertisers on the Internet are looking for places to advertise. People looking for home based opportunities are looking for resources. There is demand on both sides of the spectrum, and you should be able to do well in this industry.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy has dozens of home based business articles at Profitable Home Businesses such as Start a Medical Billing Service.